logotype - tycoon team

Legendary Brotherhood

Become a member of the unique Tycoon team. Join our brotherhood and become the chosen one.

monkey monkey monkey

The Tycoon Team

9,999 unique, collectible and iconic apes stored on the Ethereum blockchain. Guaranteed value Tycoon Syndicate.

Guarantee floor price

What are NFTs?

NFTs are Non-Fungible Tokens. Each Tycoon Ape NFT that you own is truly unique and verifiable on the Ethereum blockchain.

Tycoon team collection

By becoming an owner of a Tycoon Ape, you will be granted membership to our prestigious Tycoon Team. Our 4 unique collections of Apes will reward you with extraordinary privileges in our brotherhood.

Tycoon team collection

  • Origin

    100 ETH

    Floor Price




How do I become a member?

You must show character. We don't accept weaklings. Become the master of your ape and enjoy all the great things to come. Be a real Tycoon.

Find the Ape you like and start using it!

Gather your team of Apes and use them in the battle for control of the Cartel.